The effects of the Covid-19 crisis and those of the confinement measures on the well-being of children entrusted to the protection of children
Os efeitos da crise da Covid-19 e das medidas de confinamento sobre o bem-estar das crianças confiadas à proteção da infância
Confinement Covid-19, Host institutions, Child protectionAbstract
From 16 March 2020, the confinement established in France to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic had considerable implications. The host institutions, like all other institutions in The French territory, had to reorganize themselves in this unprecedented sanitary period. The aim of this article is to report the effects of the crisis of covid 19 and, nod. The results of this exploratory study reveal certain common characteristics of the impacts of the pandemic on children entrusted to foster care institutions, and their relational well-being, considering various risk or protective factors. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results for research and practice. Understanding in which confinement has changed practices, and how they have proved beneficial to improve the well-being of protected children, allows identifying the factors or intervention strategies favorable to the mental health of this public with specific needs.
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