Formation-hospitality teacher in pandemic times
Self-welcoming, Mosaico de Conversas, Formation teacherAbstract
The possibility of realization of a formation–hospitality teacher in the COVID 19 pandemic times was the investigation theme here introduced. The suggestion was developed totally in online mode, using some virtual resources like Google Meet, YouTube e PadLet, which took part basic education teachers. It was stablished as main objective to build of space-time of formation-hospitality with practices inspired by yoga and meditation principles, in which the dialog made possible to put on the agenda the challenge and the possibilities of emergency remote education (ERE) in the COVID 19 pandemic context. The methodology built happened in the triangulation of Círculo de Cultura concepts (FREIRE,1991), of community (FRANKL, 2019) and circle talks, configuring what we named by Mosaico de Conversas. It was realized that is possible to encourage teachers take on some practices like self-welcoming, self-acceptance and self-transcendence allowing such practices can be present in their professional and dayly lives.
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