Full inclusion in municipal schools: a case initial analyses


  • Mônica de Carvalho Magalhães Kassar
  • Andrea Duarte de Oliveira
  • Giane Aparecida Moura da Silva


Full Inclusion, Disabled Students, Students With Special Educational Needs.


The number of children with special educational needs enrolled in public schools has been increasing annually all over the country, with the implementation of an inclusive education policy by the federal government. The municipal schools, nowadays responsible for great part of basic education pupils, have been the main focus of the Inclusive Education: The Right to Diversity Programme, implemented in 2004. The purpose of this paper is to analyse some aspects regarding the implementation of the Inclusive Education Programme in the municipal schools network in a city located in the interior of the country. The empiric material was collected in inclusive classes and in municipal institutes responsible for pupils with special educational needs, along a school semester. The material was analysed taking into consideration different aspects of the school organisation and the assistance to the pupils. The analyses show compliance with the Inclusive Education legislation, regarding enrolment, number of pupils per class, minimum requirements for teachers, among others. They also indicate, however, that complying with these aspects does not assure the efficiency of the school process, as the cost-effectiveness logics which is applied in the policy implies precariousness of the assistance offered.

How to Cite

Kassar, M. de C. M., Oliveira, A. D. de, & Silva, G. A. M. da. (2007). Full inclusion in municipal schools: a case initial analyses. Education, 32(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/reveducacao/article/view/681



Dossier: Inclusive Education