Student assistance policy at the Federal Institute of Rondônia during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020
National Student Assistance Program, pandemic, budgetAbstract
At the Federal Institute of Rondônia, the adoption of information and communication technologies as a means of offering classes, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, made class inequalities more evident, making it difficult for students who have little or no access to technologies. In this article, we aim to analyze the student assistance policies implemented by IFRO – Campus Porto Velho Calama, in 2020. As for the specific objectives, we sought to assess (1) if there was an increase in investments and distribution of resources due to the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) if the program has been developed in an articulated way with teaching, research and extension activities; (3) if, in 2020, there was a reduction in retention and dropout rates compared to 2019. The study was developed using a quantitative approach, based on descriptive statistics. The data were obtained from the Budget and Finance Coordination and from the consultation of processes in the unit’s Electronic Information System. Informations was analyzed using the XLSTAT 2020 software and presented in tables and graphs. The results indicated that the IFRO implements the National Student Assistance Program (NSAP) in accordance with Decree Number. 7,234, of July 19, 2010, having applied a total of R$ 1,140,826.93 in student assistance actions, in 2020, 43.38% more than in 2019, thus contributing to the permanence and academic success of 1,013 students.
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