Full Time in Carioca Education: From “Schools Of Tomorrow” To Single Shift
Full-Time Education, Single shift, Schools of TomorrowAbstract
This article presents a discussion on Full-Time Education in the city of Rio de Janeiro, focusing on the Escolas do Amanhã Program (2009) and the Single Turn (2010). Based on the results of the survey conducted at XXXX from 2019 to early 2021, based on an analysis of the implementation of these experiences, it highlights the paradigm shifts that have occurred in its molds, curricula and objectives. Qualitative in nature, this text is anchored in legal documents from the municipal network and from other spheres. In addition, it seeks to dialogue with the main theorists of the themes: Integral Education and Full-Time Education. In view of the analysis carried out, it was possible to see that the Single Shift presents itself as a new perspective of full-time education in the city of Rio de Janeiro, differentiating itself from others by presenting a universalist vision, while the previous ones presented a more focused and restricted to certain groups. Despite noticing some aspects to be improved, we point to other aspects that strengthen and establish the Single Turn as a State policy. Thus, we consider that full-time education in Rio de Janeiro has expanded and, despite not having reached universalization in the foreseen time, it shows signs that this objective will be reached soon.
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