In defense of a humanist legal education beyond practical occaionalism in ecucational process
Humanism, Legal Education, Democratic EducationAbstract
Starting from the verifiability that the training propagated by Law courses does not favor a solid humanistic preparation, since their curricula are still deeply rooted in the conservative ideals of classical positivism, the objective of the study under review was to carry out an analysis around how the curricula originated, seeking, to support the analysis, to establish as a starting point the Roman tradition and its archeology of legal knowledge, to then enter the reflections on science and technique in modernity, uncovering valuable aspects in order to of (re)thinking a humanist agenda in this area. As a theoretical-methodological option, a qualitative approach was adopted, with an emphasis on literature review. Thus, after all the questions presented and, based on thinkers such as Paulo Freire, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt, John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas, among others, the concrete need for a legal education model that can break with the socio-educational configuration became evident. current and capable of ensuring a balanced union between Humanism, Science, Technique, the Arts and, above all, that it is able to minimize the scourges still glaring in the second decade of this century.
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