The curriculum seen from the top of the dunes of Sabiaguaba: an inter- and transdisciplinary proposal of
Curriculum, Interdisciplinarity, Transdisciplinarity, SabiaguabaAbstract
This article presents an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary proposal of knowledge construction in Basic Education, taking as a starting point the interdune environmental complex of Sabiaguaba, Environmental Preservation Area (APA), located in the municipality of Fortaleza-Ceará-Brazil. Based on the study of a local theme, we seek the formation of a planetary citizen, subject that begins its formation henceforth the knowledge of its place in systemic convergence and inseparable with the planet. The proposal focuses on multiple areas of knowledge (History, Geography, Letters, Communication, Technologies, Journalism), which explore a dialogue with other scientific fields in order to constitute integrated and integrative knowledge. Thus, Sabiaguaba becomes a transdisciplinary theme. In methodological terms, it is a documentary research based on project pedagogy. As a result, it was noticed that when taking the environmental complex of Sabiaguaba as a didactic proposal for teaching and learning, the integrated approach of knowledge is encouraged, thus contributing to the construction of a dialogical school curriculum, away from the verticality, authoritarianism and excessive emphasis on content. The link with the socio-environmental reality in which students and teachers are inserted contributes to a resignification of knowledge aiming at a planetary citizenship.
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