Minimum existences in education: some considerations about construction and scale
Education, Fiction machine, Minimum existencesAbstract
We start from the idea that differential thinking in education is characterized by a mechanism that includes two main dimensions: the construction (or production) and scale (or perspective). Among all forms of construction we privilege that which is engendered by what we call – reverberating some propositions of Deleuze and Guattari – literary or fictional machine and it operates from a reading perspective, producing a speech that could be considered neither true nor false, because it is destined for what does not exist yet or which exists only in potential. We also argue that reality is the product of a kind of intertextuality that shapes existences or at least with regard to its meaning and value. In the articulation of such mechanisms, existences are machined. However, some of them, although they exist, have a very precarious reality. Therefore, following the readings of Étienne Souriau done by David Lapoujade, we assert that populating the world with fictions and consequently education (which are a radicalization of beings identified as virtual by the authors) it consists of an inseparable procedure for the defense of these fragile existences.
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