Audible deafness: teaching narratives about the admission of a student at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Affirmative Action, Deafness, Higher EducationAbstract
The Brazilian university was composed historically of students with a solid knowledge base both in their home and school environment. Thus, few Brazilians could reach the higher level. In the 2010s, it was observed the democratization of higher education through affirmative policies, such as the Quota Law, which enabled the access of students from public education, also with income differentials and ethnic-racial distinctions. In 2016, the quota policy was expanded for people with disabilities. At the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in the first half of 2018, the admission of a deaf student, through the Quota Law, motivated numerous discussions, reflections, and actions of social responsibility, in favor of its accessibility and inclusion since it has the Brazilian Sign Language as the first language and has little knowledge of the Portuguese language. Thus, the present study analyzed the centrality of the narratives from the teaching perspective about the admission of deaf students to the UFRJ. Qualitative research was conducted by semi-structured interviews. The Content Analysis method and the Iramuteq textual analysis software were used. The research participants were ten teachers who were close to the student in the first semester of 2018. We conclude that the academic trajectory of deaf students, despite seeming fairer when ensured by redistributive policies of access to higher education, also demonstrates a total lack of recognition and individualized attendance for their accessibility.
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