State and education in times of the neoliberal crisis: Venezuela, a space of resistance
System – world, global crisis, neoliberalism, public policies, education.Abstract
The present essay has as its reflexive axis the relationship between the State and education from the problematization of public policies under the neoliberal imprint, the crisis it is going through and its general and specific implications, in a specific scenario such as the context Venezuelan. For this purpose, it investigates the situation of the world-system governed by a kind of ordered chaos in which the cultural and material hegemony of neoliberalism has plunged it. This crisis has had asymmetrically adverse impacts in the region and, specifically, in Venezuela; where despite the unilateral coercive blocking measures imposed by the Obama administration and increased by the current administration of Donald Trump, plus the colonized submission of most of the countries that are under the orbit of the Organization of American States (OAS) to the Washington's interference policy committed to the policy of “regime change”, the country has maintained the project of structural transformation of Venezuelan society, with the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Plan de la Patria (2019 – 2025) as teleological and programmatic referents of the project of public policies that guarantee economic, political, social and cultural rights, among them that of education.
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