Do technological learning and assessment processes think about people? A Human-Centered Design Approach at EdTech
Technological Education, Human-Centered Design, EdTechAbstract
Technology is not just a neutral tool, whose effects will depend on its use. Innovations come with intentions and discourses within them, effecting and modifying society as society also modifies them. Right now, there are tools that allow cognitive data measurement and recording; prediction of future learning performances; autonomous correction of tasks, homework and exercises and generation of examples without human participation. When approaching this scenario from the Human-Centered Design (HCD) perspective, this paper seeks to discuss what could be the positive and negative effects on students and teachers that use technological tools in learning and assessment processes. The paper begins by contextualizing different discourses and views, positive and negative, on the interrelationship between technology, education and society. Then, it presents and characterizes some current technologies used in Education, including applications in the development stage. It also discusses how these systems and tools could affect students and teachers, the main stakeholders involved. Finally, the paper relates all these issues with Learner-Centered Design and Human-Centered Design, thus bringing up a central question: is the process of technological learning and assessment conducted with due attention to human and contextual factors?
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