Theoretical-Methodological Articulation: the interview in educational research in the historical-cultural approach
Educational Research, Historical-cultural approach, ; Dialogical InterviewAbstract
This paper of a theoretical nature is part of the field of Education and aims to analyze, given the challenges of theoretical-methodological articulation in educational research conducted in the historical-cultural approach, how the interview can figure as a methodological tool for data construction. In this sense, concepts concerning the guidelines of the method are based on this approach, focusing on a proposition of dialogical interview (FREITAS, 2002; 2007). The theoretical references that guide such discussion are Lev S. Vigotski and Mikhail M. Bakhtin. The paper proposal is the articulation of the historical-cultural approach and the enunciative perspective as a foundation for the construction, realization, and analysis of interviews. The final considerations point to the contributions of the historical-cultural approach regarding the possibilities of apprehension of the phenomenon in movement. It is concluded that the dialogical interview, as a methodological instrument based on the principles of dialogue, presents itself as a fruitful field for the elaboration and re-elaboration of meanings about the object under discussion.
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