Teachers’ Voices: Manaus Municipal Literacy Education Policy Under Discussion.
Teachers’ voices, Municipal Literacy Education Policy, National Literacy Education Policy.Abstract
This article introduces the partial results of actions of a resistance movement called “Manaus Municipal Literacy Education Policy under discussion”. It has been organized by Childhood Education teachers, Elementary School teachers, Educators from Manaus Municipal Education Department, Education Workers Union of Amazonas State, professors and researches from Education College of Federal University of Amazonas before the Draft Law of Municipal Literacy Education Policy presented by SEMED/Manaus. The study stemmed from the analysis proposed in the Draft Law, considering its theoretical-methodological aspect, as well as the context of its presentation (during COVID –19 pandemic). It was a time aimed for analysis and lack of representativeness of Education professionals in discussions. SEMED’s proposal aligns to the propositions of the Federal Decree n° 9.765, from April 11th, 2019, which establishes the National Literacy Education Policy. The same will be analyzed in the light of critical considerations that indicate its limitations and conceptual, epistemological, political, pedagogical and methodological problems observed by the main Brazilian researchers in the Literacy Education field. They will be discussed in the Dossier “National Literacy Education Policy in focus: researchers and professors’ perspectives”, organized by Brazilian Literacy Education Association. The results highlight the need to reinforce a collective action with participation of representatives from universities, scientific associations, professors and other Brazilian civil society representatives for the emergence of educational policies that consider ongoing experiences, the teachers’ voices as well as the desire to listen their real needs, emancipation and professional valorization.
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