What can I know about school? Notes on the notion of criticism
School-institution, Criticism, Kant, MetaphysicsAbstract
The text sought to present some of Kant's insights present in his Critique of Pure Reason on metaphysics and epistemology in order to answer the question, properly in a critical Kantian language, what I can know about school. The problem posed by Kantian doctrine about our necessary ignorance of things as they are, in themselves, was emphasized as the zero degree of knowledge about the term school. But the intention was not to project on this ignorance the image of two distinct kingdoms of being: the realm of super-sensitive things in themselves and the realm of phenomena. It was concluded that schools can only be known by the forces that constitute their individuality, of which we can become sensibly aware. Also, referring to the way of explaining people who are in schools and their discursive and non-discursive practices and the people who take those people who are in schools and their discursive and non-discursive practices to carry out scientific work, which I sought to expose with reference to Kantian criticism is that these two situations do not correspond to two levels of relationship, because both are an intellectual, rational or intensional relationship.
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