Pedagogical documentation as a tool to give visibility to children considered abnormal in childhood education
Pedagogical documentation, Child education, Inclusive educationAbstract
This action research deals with the pedagogical documentation regarding the inclusion processes in early childhood education. Mandatory enrollment at the age of 4, the inclusion of children with disabilities in regular school, and the issuing of a school document attesting to the development and learning processes are legal determinations that impact early childhood education. In this sense, the mobilizing question of the study is to know what truths are produced about children with disabilities in pedagogical documentation in early childhood education. We sought to know the purposes and ways in which teachers document the inclusion processes to discuss the effects of this documentation on the production of a / normal child. The methodology consisted of conducting observations and conversations with eight teachers from public early childhood education schools. The analysis of the documentation produced by the participants about the inclusion processes was carried out in the theoretical field of Childhood Sociology and Foucault studies. The results showed that the records of the experiences of children with disabilities in the school context are, in a way, neglected and / or produced in specific moments, highlighting the needs and difficulties to the detriment of rights and learning. The research gave visibility to the possibilities of continuing teacher education, in a dialogue between the university and public schools, to produce other ways of being a teacher of children with disabilities and, also, other ways of including them in early childhood education. The study can inspire other teachers to break the normal/abnormal dyad and learn to know the child who lives in the subject considered to be abnormal.
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