Portuguese language teaching in contemporary society: from the study of art to the construction of didactic-digital literacies
Teacher education, Teaching of Portuguese language, Multiliteracies Didactic Program, Didactic-digital literacyAbstract
The influence of digital technologies on contemporary literate social practices requires didactic skills from teachers. The teaching we offer in teacher training courses needs to offer teaching that dialogs with the new reality of language, in which everyone is connected. In this study, we aim to discuss the proposal for a Multiliteracies Didactic Program that provided the opportunity for the development of teachers didactic-digital literacies. A survey was made at the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (2000–2018) in Brazil, as well as articles published in the Latin American Journal of Educational Technology (2002-2017), with the aim of identifying which trends are being academic productions present in investigations on digital literacy in teacher education. Through bibliographic, analytical and descriptive research, in a methodological perspective of the State of the Art, we identified the gap to propose the Multilanguage Didactic Program. Based on Literacy Studies, studies on Teacher Education and reflective writing, we realized that research is still incipient when dealing with digital literacy of teachers in a didactic aspect. This makes it difficult to appropriate technological artifacts as teaching instruments. In view of this, we present our collaborative teaching-learning path that provided the training teachers with the construction of their didactic-digital literacies.
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