Contemporary feminisms: mediations and powers of feminist and transfeminist cyberactivism
Feminismos, Gênero, Ciberativismo feminista.Abstract
The study aimed to reflect on the contemporary expressions of feminisms, demarcating mediations and potencies of feminist and transfeminist cyberactivism. It approached feminist thought as a historical, political and philosophical-epistemological movement and the “waves” of feminism; discussed the networks of feminist and transfeminist cyberactivism; exposed the portrait of research on feminism and transfeminism in Brazil between 2015 and 2019; and presented the expressions of feminist and transfeminist cyberactivisms. Feminist research was configured in the theoretical-methodological and praxis character, with the perspective of strengthening the theory/practice and University/society relationship; qualitative bibliographic and documentary type; referenced in critical theories of feminism, transfeminism and marxism. An online search was used: on the Capes Portal by the descriptors feminism, transfeminism, feminist cyberactivism, filtered by the Communication and Information Assessment Area; Education; and Social Service, with 324 surveys; on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social networks with the terms March, Feminist and Transfeminist Collective, Feminist and Transfeminist Front, locating 438 pages. The new “wave” of contemporary feminisms drives new redesigns of theoretical premises and feminist and transfeminist movements, structured in intersectional, transversal and transdisciplinary boundaries of gender, race, sexuality, class, generation, territoriality, among other markers. Academic productions point to the appropriation of theories as a subsidy for social, political and educational practices; and strengthening of feminist and transfeminist epistemologies, the claiming agendas of feminisms and transfeminisms, and the resulting transformations. Feminist and transfeminist cyberactivism intensifies the organization, mobilization and resistance of women, culminating in greater diversity and power of the uprisings on the networks and in the streets.
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