The influence of learning style on school performance and the perception of interdisciplinarity of students from a professionalizing public school
Learning style, Interdisciplinarity, BiophysicsAbstract
The knowledge of the students' learning style makes it possible to adjust the methodology adopted by teachers considering that diversity and flexibility are aspects to be observed in the teaching-learning process and in the formation of conscious citizens. In addition, interdisciplinarity connects different disciplines, arousing the interest of students. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the learning style on school performance and the contribution of interdisciplinarity in the teaching process, according to students' perception. Two instruments were applied, one questionnaire to determine the learning style of students and their Biology and Physics teachers and other, on the Likert scale, to assess the perception of interdisciplinarity after applying a didactic sequence on biophysics of breathing. 32 students from a 2nd grade class at a public professional school and Biology and Physics teachers were evaluated. It was observed that general learning style of the class is sensory/visual/active and reflective/sequential and coincides with that of these teachers, corroborating for a good school performance. However, in the group of students who were recovering in the first stage of the school year, half have a preference for the global pole, which is at variance with the learning style of their teachers, who are sequential. Possibly, this disagreement had some impact on the learning of these students. It was also found that, in the students' perception, interdisciplinary activities, practical in special, facilitate the understanding of a content. These findings allow a reflection on how the teachers' daily practice can contribute to learning.
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