Reverse Logistics as an Instrument of Environmental Sustainability in a Public School
Environment, Sustainable schools, Solid waste.Abstract
Reverse logistics is a strategy that operationalizes the return of solid waste to the business and productive environment. Promoting this work in schools is something new, since the school community and part of society are unaware of the harm that the components present in batteries cause to the environment and human health. This study aimed to promote the reverse logistics of batteries, through actions carried out with students at the Frei Epifânio High School of Reference, in the state of Pernambuco, as well as to develop educational practices to sensitize the school community regarding the correct disposal of waste electronic. It was a descriptive field study, with a qualitative and quantitative basis, where a questionnaire was applied to teachers and students from the 1st to the 3rd of high school, and the Education of Youth and Adults. From the responses obtained, the data were compiled and analysed and were presented in a table, using the relative frequency (RF). The results show that the reverse logistics theme at this school has not yet been the target of actions related to Environmental Education, and that much needs to be done in order to awaken students, teachers and the community to change habits and attitudes, especially in the disposal of this waste. and Environmental Education practices. In this sense, reverse logistics actions like the one that many schools should do, as they can contribute not only to a more balanced environment, but also to the development of Environmental Education projects and more sustainable schools.
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