Use of Hybrid Teaching in the discipline Learning Theories: an experience in the Pedagogy Course
Blended learning, Learning Theories, Pedagogy.Abstract
Social changes have transformed human relationships, and the ways of learning and teaching. Blended learning, a teaching modality that combines classroom and online activities, has been a way to adapt to this new social scenario. The main objective of this article is to identify the perceptions of Pedagogy undergraduates about the subject Learning Theories in the blended learning modality. The work reveals itself of a qualitative nature, with a bibliographic and exploratory approach and pedagogical intervention. In the first part of the research, with an exploratory approach, a questionnaire (questionnaire 1) was applied to 23 students who had taken the subject in the term before the intervention. The answers have shown: i) the need for a chance in the practices; ii) that the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies could make the classes become more interesting; iii) the subject Learning Theories is a very important subject to the Pedagogue’s practice. From the analysis of these data, the second part of the research was developed, and it was characterized by a pedagogical intervention in this subject classes, which have been mediated through a virtual learning environment (LMS – Learning Management System), Schoology, with Blended Learning, and using Active Methodologies. 21 students from the 4th period of Pedagogy course were part of this intervention. For data collection, the instruments were: observation, questionnaires and a focal group. The results show that the intervention contributed significantly to the formation of the participants, either theoretically built knowledge, and through the practices considered innovative and inspiring by the students for their professional and academic development.
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