Performance of the students in blended learning organized by the Didactic Situations Theory Saulo Furletti
Blended Learning, Teoria das Situações Didáticas, Matemática, Metodologia, Integração didática.Abstract
This paper reports the students’ performance situation in a methodological proposal that integrated didactically the blended learning in mathematics activities in the perspective of the Didactic Situations Theory. For this purpose, three activities were elaborated to allow the students to perform the schemes of action, formulation and validation containing videos, PDF files, Geogebra files, chat and forum. The investigation method was of a qualitative characteristic such as action-research with students from the sophomore year of technical courses in high school. The data collecting was done by means of documental research, interviews, questionnaires and report on the teaching and learning virtual environment. The results show that the students performed the activities with protagonism and autonomy, the effort to achieve the three adidactic schemes was noticed, and the action was verified as the most recurrent one. The technological resources favored the interaction among students and the contents in diverse times and spaces in a qualified environment. It was observed that the oral, written and graphic messages exchanges helped the strategies of problems solutions. Comparing the three activities, it was noticed that the potential of the experienced methodology resided in promoting the advance of the intellectual action of the students among the adidactic schemes since these went from the position of information manipulators to the condition of being able to explain the problems, formulated models and of mathematically proving the models validity. Therefore, the proposal is constituted as an alternative to compose the didactic repertoire of mathematics teachers.
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