Implementation of PNAIC training with teachers from Campo Grande state network and the results of the National Literacy Assessment
Training, Literacy, Evaluation.Abstract
The training of literacy teachers is a central element in improving the quality of basic education. The aim of this paper is to analyze the result of the National Literacy Assessment (Avaliação Nacional da Alfabetização - ANA) in the state school network in Campo Grande (MS), whose teachers of the literacy cycle participated in the formation of the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa - PNAIC), from 2013 to 2016. The surveyed period considers the beginning of PNAIC training and the first year of application of ANA. As a methodological procedure, we used, besides the bibliographic survey, data and reports from the State Department of Education of Mato Grosso do Sul and the ANA results of the surveyed schools. The theoretical contributions used have included studies that deal with teacher training and large-scale evaluation. Although ANA's results signal strategies that should be devised to guarantee students the right to full literacy by the end of the literacy cycle, that evaluation process is still centered by the federal government, which difficult local education secretaries’ actions in order to reverse the negative evaluation results.
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