Gender relations, income, and work on microdata about initial teacher training in Brazil: a multivariate analysis
Teacher training, Gender, Inequality.Abstract
This paper presents some data on gender relations and inequality in initial teacher training courses in Brazil seeking to verify in a multivariate perspective the nuances of this inequality. By the way, it was sought, based on the use of multivariate data analysis techniques, to verify the impact of the gender question on different socioeconomic indicators of 197.625 undergraduate teacher training students in Brazil, comprising 78. 088 students from public institutions and 119.537 from private institutions. The analytical perspective applied is based on the theoretical differentiation of the concepts of sex and gender, starting from the premise that the feminine and masculine divide the sample worked by the character of the biological sex at the same time that the concept of gender is understood here as an instrument of sedimentation of domination from the masculine to the feminine. Methodologically, the study is characterized as a qualitative / quantitative study and employs the multivariate statistical technique of Correspondence Analysis (CA). conclusively, it is argued that gender inequality in teacher training courses in Brazil goes beyond direct inequality, that is, the imbalance in the number of students enrolled by sex, also reflecting inequality of income, work and conditions for study.
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