Teaching in movement: the transitivity in teaching
Teaching in movement, Action-reflection-action, Teacher knowledgeAbstract
The text addresses teaching and its transitivity processes. The purpose of this text is to reflect on the importance of transitivity in teaching, in view of the contributions of Paulo Freire in what concerns thinking right and reflection on action. In addition, other authors are evoked for writing, such as Pimenta (2002, 2010), Freitas (2018), Charlot (2000), Cunha (1999). The main argument developed in the text is that when thinking right the teacher thinks about, when thinking about reflects on his practice, and the reflection on practice puts him in the process of action-reflection-action, this characterizes teaching in movement. Research is the central element for transitivity in teaching, the teacher's investigative stance, which systematically reflects on his practice, sets him in constant motion. This movement is provoked by teachers through teaching knowledge such as reflection, research, decision making and right thinking.References
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