Topics about epistemology: searching the good judgm ent Trhough Gramsci


  • Luiz Carlos Nascimento da Rosa
  • Maristela Souza
  • Gustavo da Silva Flores
  • Alceu Júnior Paz da Silva


Epistemology, Science, Gramsci.


This paper has its localization in the context of an externalist approach of epistemology. We search to reflect, in a unitary meaning, categories as common sense, philosophy, ideology, progress, good judgement, as well as a reflection about Science and it processes. The starting point is the concrete horizon of pedagogical practices in Natural Sciences field. To improve our objectives, we use the historicist Marxism as theoretical and philosophical basis, explicit in Gramsci’s thin king.

How to Cite

Rosa, L. C. N. da, Souza, M., Flores, G. da S., & Silva, A. J. P. da. (2011). Topics about epistemology: searching the good judgm ent Trhough Gramsci. Education, 29(1), 49–64. Retrieved from



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