Internationalization of education and curriculums in the contexts of Basic and Secondary Education in Portugal
Curriculum, Internationalization, Basic and Secondary Education.Abstract
This study is the result of research conducted at the Institute of Education of the University of Minho. Its objective is to analyze the influence of movements for the internationalization of education on curriculum policies in basic and secondary education in Portugal. Part of a broader study, this paper focuses on the current situation of the (re)formulation of Portuguese curriculum policy for these levels of schooling, with special attention to evidences of alignment and adhesion to the demands of the transnational movements that defend internationalization of education. It is understood that Portugal, like many other countries, suffers from the effects of transnational regulation that drives the denationalization of educational policies. It is an empiric-theoretical study that examines official texts concerning Portuguese curriculum policy and other research related to the issue. The study revealed that the current curriculum policy for basic and secondary education in Portugal is strongly subordinated to international recommendations, especially those from the European Community and the OECD.
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