Playing, competing and governing: problematizing subjectivities in the Contemporaneity from the electronic game League of Legends
Cultural artifacts, Competition, Instantaneity.Abstract
This paper presents a qualitative analysis of a cultural artifact: the electronic game League of Legends. To this end, it problematizes the practices and meanings found in the mechanics and strategies of the game, even relating to displacements in the ways we conduct ourselves in contemporary culture, from cultural artifacts and their pedagogies. Its purpose is to infer how new subjectivities are constituted from and with the electronic game League of Legends. It is perceived how neoliberal rationality, with emphasis on competition and consumption, crosses contemporary cultural artifacts. It is pointed to an increasing instantaneity in which the game also constitutes itself as a constantly changing learning space. It is inferred that flexibility is an important ability for the subject-players to adapt to changing conditions as best they can. Stand out in the culture of the game, both by the company and the players, normalization processes that differentiate, homogenize and hierarchize the players among themselves according to their performances and scores. In addition, it is possible to perceive new forms of governance, which point to crossings and displacements from a society with an emphasis on the discipline to a society with an emphasis on control.
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