Panorama of the evaluation process in Youth and Adult Education in Vila Velha, Espírito Santo




Teaching-Learning, Evaluation Procedures, Moderator Education.


Based on the scenario of Youth and Adult Education in Brazil, it was decided to investigate it, considering the city of Vila Velha, in Espírito Santo, seeking to detect the appropriateness of the evaluation from the perspective of students and teachers. The general objective was to establish an overview of the students and the teachers, about how they comprise the evaluation, if it is appropriate for a critical formation of students. Methodologically, this paper had mixed characteristics; that is, we approached the subject in a qualitative and bibliographical way, and, in part, offered the quantitative, descriptive and interpretative analysis. The investigation was conducted through questionnaires, as well as interviews, with a sample of 200 students and 50 teachers. It was found that, although educators understand well the specificities of working with Youth and Adult Education, the difficulties and the environment of the students, they continue to distribute 60% of the points by means of proof writing. In addition, 60% of students often think about dropping out of school for fear of grades and tests, even though they believe the system is fair. It was concluded that there is an important task for the development of Youth and Adult Education, to abandon a quantitative methodology, starting with a new model, which involves the students, promoting a mediating evaluation of teaching-learning, such as a diagnosis of which must be improved by all those involved in the educational process.

Author Biography

Antonio Carlos dos Santos Cruz, Universidad Autónoma de Asunción, Asunción, Paraguai

Pesquisador de Avalição na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)


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How to Cite

Cruz, A. C. dos S. (2019). Panorama of the evaluation process in Youth and Adult Education in Vila Velha, Espírito Santo. Education, 44, e83/ 1–23.