Colonization and education in the Portuguese Amazon (1500-1757)
Colonization, Education, Portuguese Amazon.Abstract
Treats about the colonization of the Amazon, focusing on the educational aspect, in the chronological period from 1500 to 1757, ranging from the first expeditions to the Amazon River until the consolidation of guidelines for the education of the population of Pará in the eighteenth century, aiming to understand the link between colonization in the State of Grão-Pará and Maranhão and the educational process. Passes through the relationship between religious orders and the education in the state of Grão-Pará and Maranhão, the administrative unit of the Portuguese colony distinct from Brazil, and the transference of responsibilities related to the education to the State, under the administration of Mendonça Furtado. Analyzes, for the scribing of the historical facts, the "Royal, public and secret instructions" addressed to the governor, as well as the "Directory" edited by Mendonça Furtado in obedience to the royal orders, characterized as a historical-documentary research. It reflects on the imposition of values of Western Christian civilization and the Eurocentric vision of the world, having as a means of dissemination the education for economic, political and ideological domination. Considers, therefore, that the instruction offered to the Gentiles, Afro-descendants and children of settlers was guided by the project of Portuguese hegemony and domination; and that, from these attempts, the political-pedagogical project was implemented aiming to shape individuals who would not identify themselves as members of an oppressed group, establishing permanent mechanisms of obstruction to any attempt to create a pedagogical process contrary to the interests of the Crown and the religious orders.
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