Threats to family funcionality: a systematic perspective on the familly(s) organizacional culture


  • Filipe Jorge Gamboa Martins Nave
  • Saul Neves de Jesus


Family, Organization, Culture.


This article presents a systematic approach on the family, in the perspective of the families existing organizational culture in and its influence in deviant or dysfunctional behavior of its members. Some of the threats to familiar and individual functionality in the different phases of the vital cycle are also presented. The family’s functioning modalities are graphically represented, in the external versus internal and flexibility versus strictness axes. The amplitude of quadrant occupation, interpersonal relations, heuristics, hierarchy and social allow the understanding of family dynamics and present suggestions towards ways of healthier family interaction.

How to Cite

Nave, F. J. G. M., & Jesus, S. N. de. (2011). Threats to family funcionality: a systematic perspective on the familly(s) organizacional culture. Education, 30(1), 11–26. Retrieved from



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