To Be and To Have, To Listen and To Work


  • Carolina de Roig Catini


Teacher’s Work, School, Imaginary.


The film Ser e Ter contains elements that make possible the discussion on the impact of the cinematographic production in the constant social imaginary’s reformularization about the school and the teacher. However, until where I took knowledge, this set of problems was not taken in consideration for researchers in the educational field who proposed to discuss the film, and whose analyses had only dealt with the film as a example of a educational pratice - an example in a double sense: as a simple sample of the teaching work, and as a model to be followed. Having this in view, in this text, I first look for to criticize the positive interpretations of the pedagogical pratice “portraied” in the film, to thereafter to weave some considerations on the paper of this film in the social’s imaginary production concerning the teaching work and its possibles practical implications.



How to Cite

Catini, C. de R. (2011). To Be and To Have, To Listen and To Work. Education, 30(1), 45–58. Retrieved from



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