Theoretical review on adult education aiming an approach to andragogy


  • Maria Saleti Lock Vogt
  • Elioenai Dornelles Alves


Adults Education, Teories of Education, Andragogy.


This work consists of a theoretical review on the presuppositons that guide adult education with the intention to search an approach to andragogy. It starts from a historical contextualization of the concept and the evolution of adult education from the industrialization age, the main directives of international conferences, promoted for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the educational theoretical presuppositons, the characterization of andragogy in the educational trends context and its postulates. In this way, the andragogical theory, proposed by Malcolm Knowles, is here contextualized as an element to help the education of adults, that estimates a differentiated vision from the point of view of the conception and methodology of the educational process.

How to Cite

Vogt, M. S. L., & Alves, E. D. (2011). Theoretical review on adult education aiming an approach to andragogy. Education, 30(2), 195–214. Retrieved from



Dossier: Education's History