Active learning and deeper learning: reflections on the demands for an education in line with the real world




Active Learning, Deeper learning, Learning society


Taking into account the growing tendency towards pedagogical practices renovation in education, the idea of “activated student” has became a key concept in this discussion. Thus, the text presents a reflection on the basis of this notion, contextualizing the issue from the increasing demands for a education in line with the real world. Educational systems capable of dealing with the urgencies of contemporary world, especially, reorienting themselves considering: scientific researches and theories from the field of the learning studies; the working world demands; and the complex cultural and social demands. In this way, it is introduced the concept of “Deeper learning” as an effort to take to pedagogical practices the demands related to an education interested in promoting what is usually called “active learning”, above all, a learning process more connected to the real world. From this perspective, were discussed the roles of some concepts and terms that contribute to put in a social context the educational field, the cases of: “Knowledge Society”, “Learning Society” and “21st Century Competencies”.

Author Biography

Bruno Gomes de Almeida, Universidade do Estado do Rio de janeiro, Rio de Janeiro

Doutor na Universidade do Estado do Rio de janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Almeida, B. G. de. (2020). Active learning and deeper learning: reflections on the demands for an education in line with the real world. Education, 45(1), e64/ 1–19.