The privatization of brazilian education and the BNCC for Secondary Education: partnership for the socioemotional skills
Privatization, Brazilian Education, National Common Curricular BaseAbstract
This paper intends to discuss the consequences of the partnership between the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) and national and international agencies that have assumed the role of transnational regulators of education policies in several countries, especially the so-called “developing” countries. In order to do so, we intendto analyze how the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Ayrton Senna Institute (ASI) objectively influence national education Brazilian education from the recently approved National Curricular Common Base (NCCB) as a way of objectively demonstrating the relationship between these institutions and their private and commercial logic that has influenced national public policies centered to a large extent on the concept of socioemotional skills. Therefore, the study uses BNCC as central reference for such articulation, especially the one of secondary education, since this stage of basic education is one in which the categories of work and education are more intense and concretely related.
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