Adult education in contemporary society: profile of the educator's competences
adult education, key-competences of adult educators, delphi study.Abstract
The multiple challenges in educating and training adult audiences in contemporary societies have led to the need for more reflection and research on the core competences of adult education professionals, both at national and international levels, in order to provide services with high quality. In this context, listening to the voice of those who have devoted themselves to theoretical and political reflection, as well as to the agents who have built up knowledge based on experience, is of great importance. This study intends to identify the key competences of the adult educator in contemporary society and to contribute to enrich the national and international debate on this theme. In order to cross-check multiple perspectives, we conducted a Delphi study that included a panel of 14 academic experts and field agents with substantial experience working with adult audiences. After 4 rounds, it was possible to reach a significant consensus. The analysis of the proposed competences led to the following 7 clusters: ethics; mobilization and recognition of prior learning; learning facilitation; methods of education, training and learning; planning, management and evaluation of the training process; self-development; and connection to the community. The set of competencies reported are mostly based on humanistic, reflexive and critical theoretical frameworks.References
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