Teaching enunciations about the play on early childhood education: understandings and interactions
Play, Continuing Formation, Early Childhood Education.Abstract
In the context of Early Childhood Education, this article focuses on the theme of play in the interface with continuing teacher formation. Starting from a research that sought to understand the enunciations about play in the formative processes in an Early Childhood Education institution, we intend to analyze the senses produced from the understandings about play and to identify the enunciated interactions regarding to play situations. Integrating an expanded research on the initiatives of continuous formation, this study, which thematized the play, was accomplished in a qualitative perspective with anchoraged in theoretical and methodological bakhtinian references. In an exploratory approach, training meetings were held at a Municipal Infant Education Center, with the following procedures: observations of continuing education activities, interviews, questionnaire application and conversation groups. The result points to the importance attributed to play regarding the collaboration of play in the development of children (especially in the acquisition of skills), the incentive to different learning, the evaluation feedback, as well as to encorage situations of interaction and socialization. In this context, the statements evoke the production of meanings about the forms of playfulness in the ECE, regarding adult-oriented activities, and also to the playful activities developed by and among children, making visible the potentialities of the diversity of situations that emerge in the educational context.References
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