Unpolitical Schools Movement and the ideas of Paulo Freire
Paulo Freire, Unpolitical Schools Movement, NeutralityAbstract
This paper aims at analyzing the foundations of the Unpolitical Schools Movement to criticize the thought of Paulo Freire, namely: the assumption of the neutrality of the educator. To do so, a qualitative bibliographical research will be carried out in which three interpretative axes will be used: (1) the conception of neutrality from the scientific paradigm and its consequences in education; (2) the relationship between education and politics; (3) Freire's conception of reading the world. It is intended, therefore, to confront some of the assumptions of this Movement, especially regarding the alleged neutrality of the educator with the Freirean conception of education. While Freire’s thought makes us strange to social practices, the Unpolitical Schools Movement seeks to naturalize the social world, which partly justifies its aversion to the thinking of Paulo Freire that is based on a plural world, in dispute for symbolic and material resources.
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