Confluence of thought of Frantz Fanon and Paulo Freire. The rise of popular education under the colonial situation


  • Pablo Martinis Universidad de la República, Uruguay.



Frantz Fanon, Paulo Freire, Colonial situation, Popular education.


From the centrality of the notion of colonial situation, the text addresses the influence of the work of Frantz Fanon “The Wretched of the Earth” in the rise of popular education in Latin America. Particularly referred to the impact of that work in the texts and the educational practice of Paulo Freire. It works from a comparative analysis of texts of both authors and identifies relevant aspects in which it is possible to locate common perspectives in their productions. In parti- cular, matching items are identified as those having to do with the conceptualization of the colonized society – oppressed society, the ways in which the oppressed are the subjects of that society and the possibilities of transforming the relations of dehumanization in relationships of full humanity. The work presented here is part of a wider investigation still in progress.

Author Biography

Pablo Martinis, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

Profesor Adjunto del Departamento de Pedagogía, Política y Sociedad (Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad de la República, Uruguay).



How to Cite

Martinis, P. (2012). Confluence of thought of Frantz Fanon and Paulo Freire. The rise of popular education under the colonial situation. Education, 37(2), 241–256.



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