Teaching and learning, the poetics of presence in a primary classroom: a narrative study


  • Maria Dolores Molina Galvañ Universitat de València, València




Narrative inquiry, Experience knowledge, Curricular composition


This article is a narrative composition about life that takes place in a primary classroom. The composition of the story has sought to develop the sense of school as a possibility of encounter and relationship. Thinking school as a place to be and as an experience of relationship with otherness. The story is the result of accompanying this teacher in her daily work at school during two school years. A process of accompanying and narrating that has helped us recognize and name educational qualities, subjective dispositions and knowledge that hold and give meaning to her pedagogical practice. This work is part of the development of two research projects whose study focus is to investigate the experience knowledge with which pre-school and primary education teachers support their educational practices, in order to explore its formative value and its potential implications for teacher education. Our purpose is not to make an inventory of good practices but to learn from and with teachers to try to vivify the pedagogical knowledge. To transform our practices in the teacher education.



How to Cite

Galvañ, M. D. M. (2018). Teaching and learning, the poetics of presence in a primary classroom: a narrative study. Education, 43(2), 179–194. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984644432011



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