New middle school and integral education: contexts, concepts and policies on reform





Education, Integral education, High school, Educational reforms


The present article proposes to establish reflections on the proposal of integral education expressed in the current High School Reform, instituted through Law nº 13.415 / 2017, and in this way to bring arguments to instigate the theoretical debate about the subject. The objectives that guide the work are: a) To investigate the proposals for integral education that guide the proposal of the New High School; b) Analyze the context in which the reform of the New High School, the concepts of integral education and some points of greater controversy between defenders and critics of the new law arose. The analyzes have as theoretical and methodological support historical and dialectical materialism and are based on bibliographic and documentary research. For the collection of data were used decrees, laws, books and articles dealing with the object under analysis. The theoretical dialogue was based on the contribution of authors such as: Tonet (2013); Mészaros (2014); Marx and Engels (2006); Ferreira JR and Bittar (2008), among others that offer contributions to the understanding of the educational policy analyzed. The results of the research made explicit the limits that govern the current reform of the High School proposed by means of Law nº 13.415 / 2017. It was possible to perceive that the reform that integrates integral education in the so-called New High School has as commitment a more technical and less propaedeutic formation, serving in this way the game of interests that governs the society of capital, since it contributes to the formation of the man productive, of the mass man, distancing himself from the concept of omnilaterality that presupposes an effectively integral formation.

Author Biographies


Licenciada em Pedagogia e doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa.


Licenciada em História e doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa.


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How to Cite

Silva, K. C., & Boutin, A. C. (2018). New middle school and integral education: contexts, concepts and policies on reform. Education, 43(3), 521–534.



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