Facing the violence: the perception of the education professionals about the violation of children’s and adolescents’ rights


  • Aline Cardoso Siqueira Centro Universitário Franciscano, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Cássia Ferrazza Alves Centro Universitário Franciscano, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Flavia Elso Leão Centro Universitário Franciscano, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sulo




teachers, violation of child’s and adolescent’s rights, schools.


The violation of children’s and adolescents’ rights is goal of concern in a protective society. We have often seen them show their concerns about the issues that violate the children’s and adolescents’ rights such as physical, sexual and psychological violence; negligence which is present in the school context. Thus,this study aimed at understanding the perception of teachers regarding the children’s and adolescents’ right violation. Twenty teachers from public schools of Santa Maria/RS participated of this study. A semi-structured interview and a biosocial-demographic and labor questionnaire were utilized. Among the results,the physical violence was the most identified violation and the ways of facing mentioned were to trigger the Tutelary Council and call the people responsible for the child. Most of the teachers were engaged to the issue; yet, they have felt unprepared and insecure for acting before violation situations experienced at school. This way, it is suggested the construction of teacher training programs which empowers them facing the violation of child’s and adolescent’s rights.

Author Biographies

Aline Cardoso Siqueira, Centro Universitário Franciscano, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

Psicóloga pela UFSM. Mestre e Doutora em Psicologia pela UFRGS.

Cássia Ferrazza Alves, Centro Universitário Franciscano, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

Acadêmica de Psicologia do Centro Universitário Franciscano. Bolsista PROBIC/UNIFRA.

Flavia Elso Leão, Centro Universitário Franciscano, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sulo

Acadêmica de Psicologia do Centro Universitário Franciscano. Bolsista PROBIC/FAPERGS/UNIFRA.



How to Cite

Siqueira, A. C., Alves, C. F., & Leão, F. E. (2012). Facing the violence: the perception of the education professionals about the violation of children’s and adolescents’ rights. Education, 37(2), 365–380. https://doi.org/10.5902/198464442726



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