Education and complexity: a possible dialogue
Education, Complexity, Transdisciplinary subjectAbstract
By assuming that Paulo Freire´s philosophy is impregnated with elements of complexity, one of the principles of interdisciplinary methodology, this article aims to examine the principles of the complex thought in an attempt to identify their similarities with Freire´s assumptions. They can be recognized as organizing elements of knowledge as well as stimulants of the problem solving-creative spirit of historic subjects acting in brazilian education. The bibliographical study shows that Paulo Freire absorbs the transdisciplinary approach when he envisions education as a path towards autonomy and liberation. Freire views it as a teaching method, not only as a construction field of knowledge which incorporates the ontological dimension of the human being, but also as an educational practice which enables the emergence of a transdisciplinary subject committed to the generation of new strategies that aim the common good in a continuous process of learning and political action.References
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