University teaching: professional commitment and quality of education in undergraduate
Teacher development, college teaching, pedagogical development.Abstract
The article analyzes results of research on teaching and teacher training, in which one of the objectives was to identify students and teachers’ perceptions of the quality of teaching in undergraduate courses at a public university. The methodology was based on a qualitative, explorative-descriptive research. The questionnaire was the instrument for collecting data from teachers and students of undergraduate courses. Questionnaires were answered by 715 students and 64 teachers. As a result we identified problems related to the following: teacher performance, students’ behavior, course organization and the institution. In regards to teacher’s performance, emphasized on the text, problems related to competence and commitment were mentioned, which goes back to the issue of teacher development. Highlights the need for universities to look into its problems and deficiencies more critically, improving its social relations and trying to consolidate itself as an institution dedicated to education and the construction of human society.Downloads
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