Land and school: two faces of the same fight


  • Elison Antonio Paim Universidade Comunitária Regional de Chapecó
  • Maria K. Schneider Escola Estadual de Três Palmeiras
  • Noeli Candatem Escola Municipal de Trindade do Sul


Fight for the Land, School Conquest, MST.


This article part of the historiographic research “Educação no Assentamento 29 de Outubro” that we developed. We tried to point the resistance and exclusion of a teacher’s group in the MST (Landless movement) in a settle in Trindade do Sul tour, in Rio Grande do Sul, the fight between the stadual Education Net and the settlers community in the fight for the education program to be developed in the stadual Elementary School Marli Rissotto Zanchet. We historicized the fight for the land and the school conquest by the group of parents teachers and students.

How to Cite

Paim, E. A., Schneider, M. K., & Candatem, N. (2008). Land and school: two faces of the same fight. Education, 33(1), 157–170. Retrieved from



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