Educational work organization and Rural Education


  • Fernando José Martins Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná


Rural Education, School Organization, Emancipation.


The present article aims to indicate some of the elements that constitute the organization of the educational work specifically in schools of rural education. In order to do so, first we discuss the specificity of rural education and when doing so, we make it evident the process of buidling such rural education until its insertion in the legal documents of educational area. We distinguish the consolidation of this form of education, pointing that it is related to the rights of the people who are interested in such educational work, that is, the rural people. After considering these issues, the text directs the readers to issues related to the organization of school units, trying to show elements that give support to the operational implantation of rural education. It is important to mention that it is not only the adoption of some educational practices which garantee the consolidation the rural education, but it is also related to the rural identity, a project of society and a range of collective practices. As for the conclusion, it is necessary to point out that, being it a means or a end, the rural education is a category which is special for its particularity because it has a project againt hegemony and at the same time popular, supported by the social subjects which contitute it.

How to Cite

Martins, F. J. (2008). Educational work organization and Rural Education. Education, 33(1), 93–107. Retrieved from



Dossier: Education at the Countryside