Educational Weeks: the architecture of power under the celebration of didactics


  • Ticiana Bombassaro Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina



Educational Weeks, Intellectuals, “New School”.


This study was dedicated to the analysis of the event “Educational Weeks” as important part of the construction of a specific pedagogical culture, derived from the movement for the “New School” in Brazil. Carried through during the years of 1936 and 1945, the “Weeks” were inserted in the national modernization. The decade of 1930 inaugurated a period of centralization of power, that resulted in measures of control on the most diverse social spaces. Amongst them, the education received prominence, therefore was an important field of construction of the ideal of a new man, demanded for the conjuncture urban-industrial who if created. The looks had been launched in the direction of the possibilities that the movement for the “New School” offered, and diverse projects had been presented as capable to incorporate the modern methods of education the school. “Pioneer” or “traditional”, common opposition that proliferated at the time, had been dedicated to construct an educational system up to the requirements of the capitalist modernity. Then, a category of intellectuals emerges, mostly on public offices, whose essential function was the reform of the educational system in accordance to the new assumptions. A pedagogic culture based on scientific principles starts to be spread out in the education of teachers. To the intellectuals of Santa Catarina, it became urgent to suit the State to the new education formulas, an event that could propitiate an update of the teachers that had left from it signaled as an interesting alternative. The “Educational Weeks” had been created in order “to standardizeall education processes”, to tell the new pedagogical formulas, in general, proceeding from the Brazilian’s New School movement.

How to Cite

Bombassaro, T. (2010). Educational Weeks: the architecture of power under the celebration of didactics. Education, 1(2), 315–328.



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