Flexible college student: the management of talents in the contemporary capitalism


  • Roberto Rafael Dias da Silva Universidade Federal Fronteira Sul (UFFS) – Campus de Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul




University, Talent, Contemporary media.


This article examines strategies for building some of the subjects in the contemporary university, seeking to understand the ways in which their talents are produced and administered in the framework of the new capitalism. In the study supplement Vestibular ZH is examined. It is published by Zero Hora (Brazil), addressed to students in the preparatory process to enter the university. This research work approaches the theoretical studies by the philosopher Michel Foucault, especially those focusing on the concept of governamentality. In the limit, it indicates that the supplement analyzed is plenty of tactics and strategies that tend to construct a university-level beings who are economically productive, and able to manage their personal and professional life in a businesslike logic.

How to Cite

Silva, R. R. D. da. (2010). Flexible college student: the management of talents in the contemporary capitalism. Education, 1(2), 259–272. https://doi.org/10.5902/198464442076



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