Becoming portuguese teacher-building identities


  • Mary Neiva Surdi da Luz Universidade Comunitária Regional de Chapecó (Unochapecó)
  • Glauber Oteiro Westphalen Universidade Comunitária Regional de Chapecó (Unochapecó


Identity built, Portuguese teacher, Graduated student, Discourse.


This research has begun from the will of getting to know a little more about the act of being and becoming Portuguese teacher, specially students graduated on Portuguese Language and Literature in Unochapeco. The project aimed to analyze the discourse of Portuguese teacher about his or her theoretical conceptions and its relation with the practice, observing how the teacher had built his or her identity and how he/she deals with the didactic and pedagogic changes that guide Portuguese language teaching. The subjects of the research are the graduated students from different curricular organizations, with different graduations and, consequently, different conceptions of theory and practice, in Language and Literature courses at Unochapeco. In this group of graduated students it was possible to select 10 subjects to participate in semi-structured interviews, which were used as tools to register experiences related to the graduation and practice of the teachers. By their speech, they give emphasis to the importance of graduation course for their formation as language teachers and also emphasize that the way they have chosen and built themselves as professionals is influenced by the institution, family and by theoretical and practical knowledge studied. By the discourse, the teacher marks his or her full identification to the knowledge that came from graduation and see them as key for the constitution as Portuguese teacher.

How to Cite

Luz, M. N. S. da, & Westphalen, G. O. (2009). Becoming portuguese teacher-building identities. Education, 34(1), 219–233. Retrieved from



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