Perspectives to the youth and adult education curriculum: dynamics between quotidian and scientific knowledges


  • Claudia Barcelos de Moura Abreu Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
  • Claudia Lemos Vóvio Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)



Youth and adult education, Schooling, Curriculum organization.


The aim of this paper is to present some challenges related to curriculum organization for the youth and adult schooling process, considering the achievements of educational goals demanded to this learning modality and the guarantee of the education right for all citizens. It is interested in investigating, by document analysis, how a set of principles that emerged from the popular education field and that showed an increase of knowledge construction could be analyzed considering the empirical basis of a curriculum directed to youths and adults. Equally, it intends to verify how the relationship between quotidian an scientific knowledges is presented in the document. The results show an appropriation of the main categories of the youth and adult education to think the new curriculum, but it is possible to realize that the relationship between quotidian and scientific knowledges needs to be studied deeply, considering the social function of the school.

How to Cite

Abreu, C. B. de M., & Vóvio, C. L. (2010). Perspectives to the youth and adult education curriculum: dynamics between quotidian and scientific knowledges. Education, 1(1), 183–196.



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