The emancipatory dreaming and the education


  • Eduardo Simonini Lopes Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV/MG)



Emancipation, Education, Invention.


The main aim of the present work is to problematize the concept of emancipation, specially its appropriation by the educational field. The referred concept was often incorporated to revolutionary speeches – mainly after the illuminist movement in the XVIII century – to indicate the search for a life which would be more free, more clear and also happier, bringing, in this perspective, teleological orientations which entertained many political-ideological-theological dreams to enact the possibility of reaching – through the several different forms of fight – instances of collective salvation and/or individual blessedness. The education, when meant as emancipatory, tended to promote proposals and practices which were often found binded to the cultivation of progress, inalienation or entrepreneurship ideals. Nevertheless, other significations for the concept of emancipatory education are believed to exist, mainly when one approaches the emancipation not by the perspective of progress or evolution, but by an orientation which is based on intervention policies, promoters of crisis, breaks and movements which can give birth to new ways of thinking-acting not yet mapped and passive creation new sensibilities.

How to Cite

Lopes, E. S. (2010). The emancipatory dreaming and the education. Education, 1(1), 125–138.



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